From PyroGuide
A MSDS is a reference for a specific chemical safety hazards. MSDS stands for Material Safety Data Sheet.
toxicity abbreviations:
asn Aspergillus nidulans
ast Ascites tumor
bcs Bacillus subtilis
bfa body fluid assay
bmr bone marrow
brd bird (domestic or lab)
bwd wild bird species
chd child
ckn chicken
CL ceiling concentration
clr Chlamydomonas reinhardi
ctl cattle
cyt cytogenetic analysis
D day
dck duck
dlt cominant lethal test
dmg Drosophila melanogaster
dnd DNA damage
dni DNA inhibition
dnr nNA repair
dns unscheduled DNA synthesis
dom domestic animal (goat, sheep)
dpo Drcsophila pseudo-obscura
emb embryo
esc Escherichia cold
eug Euglena gracilis
eye administration into eye (irritant)
fb fiber
fbr fibroblast
frg frog
gm gram
gpg guinea pig
grb gerbil
grh grasshopper
H hour
ham hamster
hla HeIa cell
hma host-mediated assay
hmi Haemophilus influenzae
hmn human
hor horse, donkey
I intermittent
ial intraaural
IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer
iat intraarterial
ice intracerebral
icv intracervical
idr intradermal
idu intraduodenal
ihl inhalation
imm immersion
imp implant
ims intramuscular
inf infant
ipc intraplacental
ipl intrapleural
ipr intraperitoneal
irn intrarenal
isp intraspinal
itr intratracheal
itt intratesticular
iu international unit
iut intrauterine
ivg intravaginal
ivn intravenous
kdy kidney
kg kilogram
klp Klebsiella pneumoniae
L liter
LC50 lethal concentration 50 percent kill
LCLo lowest published lethal concentration
LD50 lethal dose 50 percent kill
LDlo lowest published lethal dose
leu leukocyte
Liq liquid
lng lung
lvr liver
lym lymphocyte
M minute
m3 cubic meter
mam mammal (species unspecified)
man man
ug microgram
umol micromole
mg milligram
mky monkey
mL milliliter
MLD mild irritation effects
mma microsomal mutagenicity assay
mmo mutation in microorganisms
mmol millimole
mmr mammary gland
mnt micronucleus test
MOD moderate irritation effects
mol mole
mppcf million particles per cubic foot
mrc gene conversion and mitotic recombination
msc mutation in mammalian somatic cells
mul multiple routes
mus mouse
n/a not available
ng nanogram
nml non-mammalian species
nmol nanomole
NOAEL No Observed Adverse Effect Level
nsc Neurospora crassa
ocu ocular
ofs other fish
omi other microorganisms
oms other mutation test systems
oin other insects
open open irritation test
orl oral
ORM Other Regulated Material (DoT)
oth other cell types
otr oncogenic transformation
ovr ovary
par parenteral
pg picogram
pgn pigeon
pic phage inhibition capacity
pig pig
Pk peak concentration
pmol picomole
post after birth
ppb parts per billion (v/v)
pph parts per hundred (v/v) (percent)
ppm parts per million (v/v)
ppt parts per trillion (v/v)
preg pregnant
qal quail
rat rat
rbt rabbit
rec rectal
rns rinsed with water
S second
sal salmon
sat Salmonella typhimurium
sce sister chromatic exchange
scu subcutaneous
SEV severe irritation effects
skn administration onto skin
sln sex chromosome loss and nondisjunction
slt specific locus test
slw silkworm
smc Saccharomyces cerevisiae
spm sperm morphology
spr sperm
sql squirrel
srm Serratia marcescens
ssp Schizosaccharomyces pombe
STEL short term exposure limit
TC toxic concentration (other than lowest concentration)
TCLo lowest published toxic concentration
TD toxic dose (other than lowest toxic dose)
TDLo lowest published toxic dose
tes testis
TLV Threshold Limit Value
tod toad
trk turkey
trn heritable translocation test
TWA time weighted average
unr unreported
W week
wmn woman
Y year